To use this test suite first fork the repository and then clone it down onto your local machine.
Once you have done that make sure to cd
into the directory and run npm install
After that type mocha
and you should see 1 failing test (you may have to scroll up on your terminal window) and many
more noted as pending. Next, assuming you go in order, open the file inside of the workspace directory that is labeled
and make that test pass by changing the function body. Do not alter the exports at the bottom of the files
or your tests will not work. Once you have passed the first test, go down the files and delete the 'x's in front of the
'it's in order and then repeat the process. If you get stuck do not fret! In the solutions folder are my implementations
for these exercises. They are not all necessarily optimal and certainly not the only way to do many of them
however it will provide a point of reference to these problems. More tests are under construction and
I will update this repo regularly! If you wish to contribute to this exercise feel free to make a pull request.
I am planning on adding another small folder directory to include problems that others pull.
Happy programming and have a great time! I hope this helps.
Another Test