
Easy abstraction for working with force directed graphs.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Easy, interactive graphs with networkVizJS

Interacting with diagram


Why this project exists

Force directed graphs can be a mighty headache especially when trying to dynamically update nodes.

This project aims to abstract away much of the process of drawing a graph leaving you to focus on the things that matter.


  • Dragging.
  • Panning and zooming.
  • Avoid overlapping nodes.
  • Easy interface for adding / removing nodes.
  • Routing the edge lines around nodes.

Interacting with diagram

  • Very stable using Webcola as the layout.
  • Easy handlers that allow you to finely tune the experience for the user.
  • Various layouts supported out of the box:
    • Flow layout for force directed graph (horizontally and vertically)
    • Jaccard layout (where denser node regions spread out)
    • Regular layout allowing a fixed or dynamic edge length.
  • An intuitive API which lets you do what you want.

Adding a node is as easy as graph.addNode(<your node object>)!

Quickstart using Webpack or another bundler

npm install --save networkvizjs

Import the module:

// ES6
import networkVizJS from "networkVizJS";
// commonjs
var networkVizJS = require('networkVizJS').default;

Given we have an div with id graph1, we can initiate a graph in that div using:

const graph = networkVizJS('graph1', options?);

Node must have at least these two properties: Optionally you can define x and y.

var node = {
    hash: "1",
    shortname: "Node1",

To define an edge you use a triplet with the shape:

var someEdge = {
    subject: { /* Node to start at */ }
    predicate: { type: "someType" } // This allows different coloured edges.
    object: { /* Node to finish at */ }

With the node shape and edge shape we can now add and remove nodes and edges.

Adding and removing nodes

addNode takes a node object or a list of nodes. They'll be immediately drawn to the svg canvas!

let node = {
    hash: "2",
    shortname: "a fun node!",

removeNode just takes a node hash. It deletes the node and all edges that include that node. It also takes an optional callback which triggers when the node is deleted.

// Called after the node with the hash "2" is deleted.
const afterDelete = () => console.log("Node deleted!");
graph.removeNode("2", afterDelete);

Adding and removing triplets (or edges between nodes)


You're pretty much good to go! Below is the rest of the API.

Options object:

These options are all optional. Just pass in the ones you want.

interface OptionsObject {
    canDrag: boolean;           // True: You can drag nodes, False: You can't
    databaseName: string;       // Force the database name
    layoutType: string;         // "linkDistance" | "flowLayout" | "jaccardLinkLengths"
    jaccardModifier: number;    // Modifier for jaccardLinkLengths, number between 0 and 1
    avoidOverlaps: boolean;     // True: No overlaps, False: Overlaps
    handleDisconnected: boolean;// False by default, clumps disconnected nodes
    flowDirection: string;      // If flowLayout: "x" | "y"
    enableEdgeRouting: boolean; // Edges route around nodes
    nodeShape: string;          // Set node shape: "rect" | "circle"
    width: number;              // SVG width
    height: number;             // SVG height
    pad: number;
    margin: number;
    nodeDragStart(): void;      // Called when drag event triggers
    edgeLabelText: string | {(d?: any, i?: number): string};    // Todo: EdgeLabels in predicate.

    // mouse handlers on nodes.
    mouseDownNode(nodeObject?: any, d3Selection?: Selection): void;
    mouseOverNode(nodeObject?: any, d3Selection?: Selection): void;
    mouseOutNode(nodeObject?: any, d3Selection?: Selection): void;
    mouseUpNode(nodeObject?: any, d3Selection?: Selection): void;
    clickNode(nodeObject?: any, d3Selection?: Selection): void;

    clickEdge(edgeObject?: any, d3Selection?: Selection): void;
    clickAway(): void;          // Triggers on zooming or clicking on the svg canvas.

    // These options allow you to define a selector to create dynamic attributes
    // based on the nodes properties.
    nodeToColor: string | {(d?: any, i?: number): string};     // Return a valid css colour.
    nodeStrokeWidth: number | {(d?: any, i?: number): number};
    nodeStrokeColor: string | {(d?: any, i?: number): string};

    edgeColor: string | {(d?: any, i?: number): string};
    edgeStroke: number | {(d?: any, i?: number): number};
    edgeLength: number | {(d?: any, i?: number): number};

Methods on graph object

// Check if node is drawn.
hasNode(nodeHash: string): Boolean
// Public access to the levelgraph db.
getDB(): levelGraphDB
// Get Stringified representation of the graph.
saveGraph(): string
// Get SVG element. If you want the node use `graph.getSVGElement().node();`
getSVGElement(): d3SVGSelection
// add a directed edge
addTriplet(tripletObject, preventLayout?: Boolean)
// remove an edge
// remove a node and all edges connected to it.
// add a node or array of nodes.
addNode(node | nodeArray, preventLayout?: Boolean),
// Restart styles or layout.