
HTTP reverse heartbeat middleware service. Converts incoming heartbeats to spoke now_alive/dead messages.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Archived: Use prometheus (+ reverse exporters available) + alertmanager-etc instead.


HTTP reverse heartbeat middleware service.
Heartbeats may 'curl' the service, hearware sends first_beat/changeto_alive/changeto_dead messages to the spoke channels of slugs chosen by heartbeaters.

Github Actions Docker image

docker pull ghcr.io/jtagcat/http_reverse_heartbeat:1

Gunicorn listens on port 8000, spoke on 7181.


  • BROADCAST_NEW_BEATS, default empty. If set, all first_beat messages will be broadcasted to the channel BROADCAST_NEW_BEATS as broadcast_first:slug. This acts as a discovery channel for other channels.
  • TIMEOUT, default 120, in seconds. Time to wait since last beat till death is announced (changeto_dead).
  • SPOKEPORT, default 7181. Port on which the embedded pyspoke spoke server is exposed to.

¹ Make an issue if you need restart awareness.

Usage and Live Instance

curl https://hw.c7.ee/github_beat

By the nature of no authentication, anyone can send heartbeats, and read to a slug they know.

Subscribe with pyspoke:

import asyncio
import spoke

async def handle_foo(msg):
    print(f"github_beat: {msg.body}")

async def main():
    client = spoke.pubsub.client.Client(conn_opts = {"host": "hw.c7.ee"})
    await client.run()
    await client.subscribe("github_beat", handle_foo)
    await spoke.wait()


Spoke messages reference

Please reserve : as the seperator for additional info in messages.

  • broadcast_first — sent only on the BROADCAST_NEW_BEATS channel, it's the same as first_beat, but with
    • :channel (broadcast_fisrt:foobar) — Channel name, where the first beat was broadcast from. (There was a first_beat on channel foobar.)
  • first_beat — sent on first heartbeat received on the channel (since the server started). This is the first changeto_alive the server has recieved. If this is recieved, it's likely that heartware (spoke server) restarted, losing it's memory of slugs.
  • spoke_alivebeat — after the first heartbeat, sent out regularly (currently implemented to be half of TIMEOUT). This is sent by heartware, NOT by or a forwarding of the real heartbeats.
    • :n (spoke_alivebeat:60) — period, where n, in seconds, the heartbeat is sent out. (Heartbeat is sent out every 60 seconds.)
  • changeto_dead — No heartbeat recieved within TIMEOUT seconds. Target assumed dead.
  • changeto_alive — Heartbeat was recieved on a dead target. Target assumed to be back alive.