Puppet Module For Play
This module provisions the Play Framework, manages Play modules and Play applications. It supports:
- The provisioning of Play Framework in /opt/play-version
- The installation of modules
- The management of Play applications
- The configuration of system services to run play applications
Using the module
To use the module, either
- Clone this repository to /etc/puppet/modules (or configure your modulepath)
- Download a pre-packaged version (from the download section)
The module requires a proper Java installation including a valid _JAVA_HOME environment variable.
include play
play::module {"mongodb module" :
module => "mongo-1.3",
require => [Class["play"], Class["mongodb"]]
play::module { "less module" :
module => "less-0.3",
require => Class["play"]
play::application { "bilderverwaltung" :
ensure => running,
path => "/home/clement/demo/bilderverwaltung",
require => [Jdk6["Java6SDK"], Play::Module["mongodb module"]]
#Just create the upstart script, so the service is required
play::service { "bilderverwaltung" :
path => "/home/clement/demo/bilderverwaltung",
require => [Play::Module["mongodb module"]]
This module is licensed under the Apache Software License 2.0.