
This is my personal website.

Primary LanguageCSS

Personal Blog

Hello there! This is JT's digital corner. While this blog has been continuously evolving, I never hopped onto the "Under Construction" gif bandwagon. Every piece of content you see here is my own expression.

🔗 For the latest articles and updates, head over to jtarchie.com.

Getting Started

If you're curious about the tech behind the scenes, this site leverages a personal site tool I developed named builder.

Local Setup (Mac OS)

To set things up locally or contribute:

brew bundle            # Install required packages
# Make your changes in posts
task                    # Preview them at http://localhost:8080

Once you're happy with the changes:

git add -A
git commit -m 'your helpful message here'
git push


The magic of deploying this site is orchestrated using Github Actions. Cloudflare Pages serves as our trusted platform for static site hosting.