
CLI tool to extract images from PDFs, and Swift library with other CGPDF* API wrappers.

Primary LanguageSwift


This Swift package provides two targets:

  • pdfsnip, a command-line utility to extract images from PDF files.
  • PDFWrappers, a Swift library wrapping raw pointer-based types from CoreGraphics with a nicer API.


Extract images from a PDF

$ cd pdfsnip   # directory containing the pdfsnip package and this readme :)
$ swift run pdfsnip [file.pdf] [outdir]

Extracts images from the given PDF file and saves them to the output directory.

Using PDFWrappers to traverse PDF data

In your Package.swift, add this package to your package's dependencies, and its PDFWrappers product to your target's dependencies. Example:

let package = Package(
  dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/jtbandes/pdfsnip.git", from: "0.0.1")
  targets: [
      dependencies: [
        .product(name: "PDFWrappers", package: "pdfsnip"),

Now you can use PDFDictionary and other wrapper types to access PDF data more safely and conveniently:

let doc: CGPDFDocument = ...
if let rawPageDict = doc.page(at: 1)?.dictionary {
  let pageDict = PDFDictionary(dictionary: rawPageDict)

  // Instead of:
  var str: CGPDFStringRef?
  if CGPDFDictionaryGetString(rawPageDict, "Key", &str) { ... }

  // Use:
  if let str = pageDict[string: "Key"] { ... }