
Gatsby starter for writing your site in ReasonML

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


A Gatsby starter for writing your site in ReasonML


Installation using the gatsby cli

gatsby new my-reasonml-site https://github.com/jtberglund/gatsby-starter-reason


Check the docs for gatsby-plugin-reason for more details on configuration options.


gatsby-plugin-reason offers an option to derive page routes from the page component's name (instead of the file name like gatsby usually uses), which is in use in this starter (see the plugin configuration in gatsby-config.js).

I prefer using this option for two reasons:

  1. ReasonML/ocaml has fairly strict rules for files names since file names automatically map to module names, meaning file names for page components such as about-me.re or 404.re are not allowing.
  2. I like to uppercase my component names and I don't like having two naming conventions going on at once (e.g. having src/components/Header.re alongside src/pages/my_page.re).

This allows you to create a page component called AboutMe.re and map it to the route /about-me by setting the name of your component to "about-me" as shown below:

let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("about-me");




If there are issues compiling your ReasonML code and you're sure its not a syntax error, often re-compiling will fix the error

bsb -clean-world
bsb -make-world