
Implement a magical vending machine

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Vending Machine

Implement a magical vending machine.


No static calls to methods
No real implementations in unit Remtests other than the class you’re testing
Do not change files with // DO NOT MODIFY on first line
Do not change signature of:

  • MagicVendingMachine.insert(...)
  • MagicVendingMachine.requestProduct(...)
  • MagicVendingMachine.requestChange(...)

End goal

Get all tests in test/acceptance/acceptance-test.js to pass.

Change it.skip(... to it(... to un-ignore a test. http://mochajs.org/#inclusive-tests

However feel free to take it as far as you like.

Additional Challenges

  • Primitive Obsession - No strings, numbers, booleans, nulls or undefined (or arrays of these) in or returned from public interfaces
  • ES6 - Use the most ES6 features.

Setup/Running Tests

Install dependencies

npm install

Run tests

npm test

The test framework is mocha and the assertion library is chai, sinon and sinon-chai have also been included for you. There is a helper.js file that includes mocha, chai, sinon and sinon-chai and sets up chai with the should style of assertions to save you having to do it in each test file.

There should be some runnable configs for mocha in intellij. The project was created using IntelliJ 14 so it may or may not work for you. If you'd like to create your own mocha configs:

All tests

Extra Mocha Options: "test/**/*-test.js" --compilers js:babel/register --require "test/helpers/helper.js"

Unit tests

Extra Mocha Options: "test/unit/**/*-test.js" --compilers js:babel/register --require "test/helpers/helper.js"

Acceptance tests

Extra Mocha Options: "test/acceptance/**/*-test.js" --compilers js:babel/register --require "test/helpers/helper.js"

There's some nice cheat sheets here:
