Brick Suspend Issue

Refers to Brick Issue 364.

This github project demonstrates an issue I've discovered with suspending and halting in Brick.

I modified Brick's demo program brick-suspend-resume-demo to use the /dev/tty handle directly as the configured inputFd:

-- void $ defaultMain theApp initialState
ttyHandle <- openFile "/dev/tty" ReadMode
ttyFd <- IO.handleToFd ttyHandle
defConfig <- V.standardIOConfig
let builder = V.mkVty $ defConfig {
                V.inputFd = Just ttyFd
initialVty <- builder
void $ customMain initialVty builder Nothing theApp initialState

The reason I wanted to do this was so I can use data piped in through STDIN into a Brick program. Because the inputFd is assigned to stdin by default, I need it to be reassigned to /dev/tty in order to make the terminal UI interactive.

Compile and run with:

cabal run

If you compile and run this executable in the Ubuntu Terminal (tested on Ubuntu 20.04), pressing SPACE once suspends and pressing ESC once quits -- just like the original demo.

If you run this executable in the MacOS Terminal (macOS Montery, Apple M1 Pro), pressing SPACE or ESC once isn't sufficient. You need to press another key afterward to make the suspend or quit command register. Is this bug, or is there something wrong with my Haskell code?