
Scripts to produce your tmux status bar

Primary LanguageShell

tmux status bar scripts

To use:

  1. Create a configuration based on config in the repo. Tweak the variables as desired to produce the right mix of status bar attributes. Variables are:
  • SCRIPTS - space-separated list of script names, without ".sh" extensions, referring to scripts in the scripts/ directory. These scripts will be run in the order listed and their output will be used to build the status bar string.

  • PREFIX - this comes at the beginning of the status bar.

  • SUFFIX - this comes at the end of the status bar.

  • DEFAULT_ITEM_ATTR - the attribute string inserted just prior to each status bar entry.

  • SEPARATOR - the string inserted in between status bar entries.

  1. Update your tmux.conf to set status-right as follows:
set -g status-right '#(.../tmux-status/tmux-status.sh .../config)'


A script named in $SCRIPTS will be quietly omitted from the status bar if:

  • it does not exist in the scripts directory;

  • it does exist but is not executable;

  • it exists and is executable but produces no output.

Otherwise, the output of the script will be added to the status bar and separators will be added as appropriate.

The main script, tmux-status.sh, can be run with the --strict argument to force the script to exit if it cannot find and run all of the named scripts in $SCRIPTS:

tmux-config.sh .../config --strict

$PREFIX and $SUFFIX will only be added to the status bar if at least one status bar entry ran successfully.