Dream a Little

Easy comparison of quality of life data for places around the world

By John Tweeddale

Technologies Used


Quality of life data is provided by the Teleport API. No API key is required.


This web app allows users to create an account and search for locations. Search results display quality of life data for the location, and the location can be added to the user's shortlist. On the shortlist page a user can view shortlisted locations and sort them by different quality of life markers.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Clone this repository to your local machine
  • From your terminal:
    • yarn install
    • rails db:migrate
    • rails s
  • Launch the app from your web browser, referring to the rails server for IP and port information



Copyright (c) 2021 John Tweeddale

Contact Information

John Tweeddale j.tweeddale@outlook.com