
Vert.x 4 multi-verticle example

Primary LanguageJava


This project demonstrates a simple Vertx 4 project with three verticles deployed within the same Vertx instance.

Note: Running the application requires a running docker environment for the postgresql test container instance.

  • SampleTickVerticle - Uses the Vertx setPeriodic call to create a timer that simple outputs to stdout every 10 seconds
  • HttpServerVerticle - Creates a Vertx HTTP server with the following routes:
    • GET / - Responds with a Hello from non-clustered vertx app message
    • POST /send/:message - Extracts the string from the :message path variable and delivers it to the MessageReceiverVerticle via the Vertx event bus
    • GET /db - Fetch all records from test PG database
    • POST /db/:name - Add a new row to test DB
  • MessageReceiverVerticle - Receives messages from the HttpServerVerticle via the event bus, and posts a reply back to the message sender
  • VerticleMain - Contains the main method of the application and starts up the other three verticles.