Pixel Visualization of Weathers!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Pixel Visualization of Weathers!

What is it?

Well, I have it uploaded it HERE (I apologize for the noobie website set-up) so check that out. It's more efficient than explaining it with text. It is a weather visualization JavaScript program using mostly block pixel art style. Allows you to click on places on a world map and displays the weather in the random vicinity of where you clicked (except for pre-programmed cities).

I programmed it using the P5.JS library.


Contrubution documentation can be found HERE.

Why it was made?

Currently switching my career goal from architecture to the realm of computer science. I gave myself a fun project to work on to practice JavaScript, work with weather & geolocation APIs, and incorporate a bit of my design skills.

If you find any bugs, or have any suggestion for the program, shoot me a message.