
Cryptocurrency simple moving average real time delivery service

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT

Crypto Simple Moving Average Service

Crypto Quote Microservice

Project Dependencies

  • Java SE Development Kit 8 (Oracle JDK or Azul OpenJDK)
  • Maven
  • Clojure 1.8
  • Leiningen 2.6
  • Docker 17

Requirements to run on command line

  • Java 8
  • Maven

Running service through REPL

Download all library dependencies from Maven and/or Clojars, and start REPL:

$ lein deps
$ lein repl

Run service:

user=> (go)

(OPTIONAL for local builds) Make sure you set the required environment variables.

# DynamoDB Local
export CRYPTO_DYNAMODB_URL="http://localhost:9000"

# Crypto Simple MA microservice
export CRYPTO_HOST=""
export CRYPTO_PORT="9091"

# Logging 

Running tests

To run integration and unit test:

$ lein test

(OPTIONAL) Compiling executable

Download all library dependencies from Maven and/or Clojars:

$ lein deps

Create java executable packaged with all dependencies:

$ lein uberjar

This will create server.jar in target folder.

To run locally with a cryptocurrency pair:

Save the web-socket-client to your local maven repo

$ mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./jar/websocket-client-1.1.jar -DgroupId=org.johnterzis.websocket -DartifactId=websocket-client -Dversion=1.1 -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true

Unpack DynamoDBLocal_lib.tar.gz and in directory where DynamoDBLocal.jar is located run the following command (note port)

$ tar -zxvf ./DynamoDBLocal_lib.tar.gz

$ java -Djava.library.path=./DynamoDBLocal_lib -jar DynamoDBLocal.jar -port 9000 -sharedDb

Start the service with your desired crypto ccy pair entered in underscore delimited form as below

$ java -jar target/server.jar "USDT_BTC"

Note that starting the service requires completing a handshake to connect with Poloniex over wss protocol. This may take up to several minutes before quotes are returned.

Listing DynamoDB tables

First compile executable (read section above). Make sure you have set environment vars CRYPTO_DYNAMODB_URL (for example http://localhost:9000) and CRYPTO_DYNAMODB_ENV (LOCAL, STAGE or PROD). To create tables:

To list all tables:

$ java -jar target/server.jar dynamo-list

Health Checks and API testing / validation

Navigate to http://localhost:5050/index.html after starting server.jar.

Building and running Docker image

Copy Dockerfile.template to Dockerfile and edit ENV variables for running locally, on stage or production. To build docker image:

$ docker build --tag crypto-quotron-local:1.0 .

To run docker image:

$ docker run --publish 9091:9091 crypto-quotron-local:1.0

IMPORTANT: Do not push Dockerfiles that contain endpoints, usernames and passwords to the Github repository.