
A simple script to toggle the touchpad on and off

Primary LanguagePerl

This script is a quick and easy way to toggle my touchpad on and off.  I tried 
g pointing devices, but that doesn't seem to consistently work.  It'll stay on for a while and then the trackpad will turn back on.  I'm hoping to do the following:

* Set up my .xinitrc to disable the xinput by default (xinput set-prop "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" 125 0)
* Map this script to my GNOME task bar as an application or something similar so I can toggle it when I do want to use the trackpad. 
  - sudo cp toggleTouchpad.pl /usr/bin/
  - sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/toggleTouchpad.pl
  - Use custom application Launch

Were I really clever I'd get the desktop icon to change depending on the state.


Create an installer, .desktop file, icons, etc.  See if can enable/disable the scrollbar part of the trackpad but disable rest.