
Production, development, and test configuration for a react application

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Quit duplicating your project configuration. Install react-application-base, and all the development, production, and test scripts are set-up for you.


npm install react-application-base


Project Structure

In order to provide the best out of the box experience, this library makes some assumptions about your project's structure. You must include the following files and folders in your project's root directory.



For development, an eslint configuration is included. Create a file in your project's root directory called .eslintrc.js with the following contents.

module.exports = require('react-application-base').configs.eslint;


This library includes a set of common scripts for building, testing, etc. The following scripts are exported:

  • build -- builds a production bundle and output to a dist folder
  • clean -- delete the dist folder
  • lint -- lints your code using eslint and reports errors to console
  • start -- runs your a development server at http://localhost:8080 and live-reloads on source file changes

Scripts can be run using runjs, an included dependency. You can use any of the exported scripts by creating a special runfile at your project's root. Create a file called runfile.js with the following contents.

module.exports = require('react-application-base').scripts;

Then, reference any of the available scripts in your package.json file.

  "scripts": {
    "build": "run build",
    "clean": "run clean",
    "lint": "run lint",
    "start": "run start",

Great, now you can run it.

npm run build