
Widget for py3status bar to display the current Spotify song and artist

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py3spotifystatus - Spotify widget for py3status bar for i3 window manager

The widget in operation

This is a widget for the py3status for i3 which displays the current Spotify song and artist, and the current progress through the song.

This is an updated verison of rpieja's i3spotifystatus (unmaintained since 2018). Bug reports and pull requests are welcome! I will attempt to respond as soon as possible.


The other requirements are dbus and Python 3, which you shouldn't need to worry about since they come bundled with most distros. You also need i3, obviously.


  • Clone repository to your preferred location
  • Update your i3status.conf with
order += "external_script"

# ...

external_script {
    script_path = "/path/to/i3spotifystatus/pystatus.py"
    cache_timeout = 1
  • (optional) keybindings can be added through i3 config file, e.g.
bindsym $mod+$alt+D exec /path/to/i3spotifystatus/sendCommand.sh playpause
# etc.


There are some options you can set at the top of the pystatus.py script by editing it. They are documented in the script.


Widget with all config options on, while playing:

Widget with all config options on, while playing

While paused (and demonstrating non-latin song titles):

While paused

Showing truncation of long song titles:

Showing truncation of long song titles

With song progress turned off:

With song progress turned off

Changes in this version

In this version I:

  • Added song progress to widget
  • Added podcast support
  • Added sendCommand.sh script, which can be used to remotely control the Spotify player, for example using i3 mod keybindings
  • Changed output format of pystatus.py to work with py3status
  • Updated colours to match current Spotify branding
  • Fixed multiple bugs


Original i3spotifystatus by rpieja.

Original credits:

Script is based on sample wrapper commited on original i3status repository.

Awk script by @csssuf.