
This is just a proof-of-concept project. It is not production ready. It will likely be abandoned. It was intended for situations where you have a huge object graph that you want to load and edit over multiple requests (within Wicket). Rather than serializing the whole graph, or creating a DTO for the graph, you could proxy it. This proxy would record method calls that could be played back every time you reloaded the object for each request.

Primary LanguageJava

This is just a proof-of-concept project.  It is not production ready.  It will likely be abandoned.  
It was intended for situations where you have a huge object graph that you want to load and edit
over multiple requests (within Wicket).  Rather than serializing the whole graph, or creating a DTO
for the graph, you could proxy it.  This proxy would record method calls that could be played back 
every time you reloaded the object for each request.

Again - for emphasis - this is not production-ready and will likely be abandoned.  Feel free to play
with it and ask me if you have any questions.