
Python version of dm test suite

Primary LanguagePython


  • Make sure python3 is installed.
  • Make sure pip is installed.
  • Install python deps:
 pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Edit config.toml for your system
  • Check for tool requirements by running:
./dmtest health

In addition, many of the tests perform operations on a copy of linux git repository:

git clone https://github.com/torvalds/linux.git

The kernel source code needs to be located in the dmtest-python directory. You can override this location using the environment variable DMTEST_KERNEL_SOURCE, e.g. DMTEST_KERNEL_SOURCE=/home/someuser/linux


Many operations require the option --result-set <some arbitrary name> to function. This can be supplied by using the environment variable DMTEST_RESULT_SET

export DMTEST_RESULT_SET=baseline

List tests

export DMTEST_RESULT_SET=baseline
./dmtest list --rx <regex>

Run tests

./dmtest run -rx <regex>

List test logs

./dmtest log