
:tada::zap: Event publishing application.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


📝 Project

This project is an event publishing application.

This application was developed for study purposes and has the following features:

  • [:key:] User Authentication.
  • [:email:] Password recovery with automatic email sending.
  • [:bust_in_silhouette:] User registration.
  • [:memo:] Publish, edit, remove and search events for logged in users.
  • [:mag_right:] Event search for visiting users.
  • [:eyes:] Number of views of an event.
  • [:camera:] Image upload.

💻 Technologies used

📌 Typescript

📌 React

📌 Bootstrap

📌 Sass

📌 Firebase

🚀 How to use?

✔️ Clone project and access its folder.

$ git clone https://github.com/jtiagosantos/Events-App.git
$ cd Events-App
$ code .

✔️ Configure file with environment variables.

✔️ To start it, follow the steps below:

# Install dependencies
$ yarn

# Start project
$ yarn start

The app will be available in your browser at the address http://localhost:3000.

Remembering that you will need to create an account on Firebase and a project to make a Realtime Firestore Database and a Storage.

👨‍💻 Made with ❤️ by Tiago Santos.