
Admenator aims to make it easy to insert different views into an adapter. More specifically it tries to make inserting ads in your adapter painless and easy, but you can use it for headers and other views too.

Primary LanguageJava


Admenator aims to make it easy to insert different views into an adapter. More specifically it tries to make inserting ads in your adapter painless and easy, but you can use it for headers and other views too.


You need to create two classes when using Admenator. First you need a class that implments InsertionPattern. This is a class contains your logic for when a custom view needs to be inserted.

public class ExamplePattern implements InsertionPattern {

    public boolean insertForIndex(int index) {
        // this class will insert a view on every fifth index starting at 0
        return index % 5 == 0;

Next you need to create a class that provides the View that needs to be inserted. This class implements ViewProvider. Which basically is the getView method from the adapter.

public class MyAdViewProvider implements ViewProvider {

    public View getView(int index, View convertView, ViewGroup container) {
        if (convertView == null)
            convertView = new TextView(container.getContext());
        ((TextView) convertView).setText("Ad #" + index);
        return convertView;

That's it! Now just pass your InsertionPattern and your ViewProvider into the AdmenatorAdapter together with your original adapter.