
Wrap Python code including its conda environment in an R Package

Primary LanguageR


Travis build status

R-Package = conda environment wrapped model

This package allows you to ship and deploy machine learning models built in Python using an R package.

Say you have a Python model that works in one specific conda environment and you want to make it accessible to R users via reticulate. How do you go about doing that?

This proof of concept R-package comes with a fully specified conda environment that will be created when the R package is installed. All Python code inside this package will then be run in this conda environment. We can ship several models in the same R package as long as they share their conda environment. If two models do not share their conda environment, we ship them in separate R packages.


You need to have conda installed on your system and reticulate must be able to find it.

# install.packages("remotes")


#> Creating conda environment now.
#> Environment 2f0409c2f60c564607d28c44c8edc52c already exists. Removing it first...
#> Created conda environment 2f0409c2f60c564607d28c44c8edc52c
df <- tibble::tribble(
  ~x, ~y, ~z,
  "a", 2, 3.6,
  "b", 1, 8.5
#> [1] 0 1
#> [1] "The installed Pandas version is 1.0.3"


  • The conda requirements are defined in inst/conda-requirements.txt and installed with the R Package.


    Package versions are currently pinned. There’s an unpinned version for non-Linux systems.

  • Arbitrary Python code can be shipped with the package. Currently, there’s only one file inst/model.py:

    import pandas as pd
    def predict(df):
      """Trivial predict function that returns a sequence 0, 1, ..., n-1."""
      return df.reset_index(drop=True).index.astype(float)
    def check_pandas_version():
      return(f"The installed Pandas version is {pd.__version__}")
  • The reticulate calls are in R/predict.R.

  • We overcome the problem that you cannot use reticulate to interface with different Python executables within the same R session (see this comment) by running the reticulate call on a different worker (via the parallel package - both PSOCK and FORK work here). This comes with overhead, both for setting up the cluster and for serializing the data and communicating with the worker, which may or may not be tolerable depending on your use case.


A benchmark is provided for a data set with 10 numerical columns, 10 string columns, and 10 date columns. encapsulate uses the little hack that allows us to use reticulate with different Python executables in the same R session. do_not_encapsulate goes straight from the user’s R session to reticulate.

results <- bench(n = 1e6)
#> Running with:
#>         n
#> 1       1
#> 2      10
#> 3     100
#> 4    1000
#> 5   10000
#> 6  100000
#> 7 1000000
knitr::kable(results[c("expression", "n", "median")])
expression n median
encapsulate(df) 1e+00 542.29ms
do_not_encapsulate(df) 1e+00 459.25ms
encapsulate(df) 1e+01 510.14ms
do_not_encapsulate(df) 1e+01 465.09ms
encapsulate(df) 1e+02 500.33ms
do_not_encapsulate(df) 1e+02 464.31ms
encapsulate(df) 1e+03 566.11ms
do_not_encapsulate(df) 1e+03 470.98ms
encapsulate(df) 1e+04 614.53ms
do_not_encapsulate(df) 1e+04 532.51ms
encapsulate(df) 1e+05 1.91s
do_not_encapsulate(df) 1e+05 1.17s
encapsulate(df) 1e+06 12.01s
do_not_encapsulate(df) 1e+06 7.52s