
Example R-package using Rcpp.

Primary LanguageC++

Example R-package using Rcpp

  • All C++ code is in src
  • Code that uses only basic Rcpp is in src/examples.cpp
  • Code that uses RcppArmadillo is in src/examples_arma.cpp
  • Code that uses RcppEigen is in src/examples_eigen.cpp



Example use:

hello_world() # prints message to standard output stream

# Returns an array with dim(A) equal to c(2,2,3)
A <- arma_3_matrices(c(1,2)) 

# Returns a list with length 2, so that
# - B[[1]] is a 2x2 matrix
# - B[[2]] is a 3x2 matrix
B <- eigen_2_matrices()