
The source for www.instalive.se

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Displays a constant flow of instagram images from a given geographic location. Images are pushed to connected browsers over websockets.

Se tout.


Install basic dependecies:

For Mac OS X with homebrew do: brew install node git

For archlinux do: pacman -S nodejs git

For Ubuntu follow these instructions

Install project dependecies:

[sudo] npm install -g gulp mocha
npm install

A couple of shell vars are used for the app runtime to talk to the instagram API, set them:



Client side javascript are located under ./client. Browserify is used to utilize npm modules in the browser. gulp [default] is used to compile our js with dependend npm modules.

It is important to run gulp before deploying


Deploy to heroku

Download and Install Heroku toolbelt

Add heroku as a git remote, see deploying with Git for more info. If you are a collaborator of the project it should be enough to run:

heroku git:remote -a instalive

If you've forked this or is not a collaborator and wants to deploy on heroku; Make sure you run on their 'Cedar' stack and to add WebSocket support to your app:

heroku labs:enable websockets --app <app_name>

Before deploy, a couple of heroku config vars must be set. If the deployment target is already up and running they most likely are already set, check with heroku config:get INSTALIVE_DOMAINNAME. If that command returns empty you must set them, like so:

heroku config:set INSTALIVE_DOMAINNAME=<fqdn>

Now, deploy:

git push instalive master

or, compile, commit and push in one push (pun intended):

gulp && git commit -a -m '<message>' && git push instalive master


Tests are built using mocha, they are located under ./test. Run them like so:

NODE_ENV=development mocha