
A combinator library for music composition.

Primary LanguageHaskellBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Welcome to the MC GitHub page.

MC is a domain specific programming language for music composition. This repository contains an embeded implementation in the Haskell programming language.

How do I get started?

Assuming that you are on a Debian-based linux distro, you can follow the list below:

  1. Check that your machine has a group for playing audio by typing:

    grep audio /etc/group look for something that looks like: audio:x:29:pulse Add yourself to the group by typing : sudo gpasswd -a yourUserName audio

  2. Install a music-synthesis or sequencer program (I suggest fluidsynth).

    sudo apt-get install fluidsynth sudo apt-get install fluid-soundfont-gm sudo apt-get install jackd2 sudo apt-get install alsa

  3. Install a Haskell and Stack.

    sudo apt-get install ghc sudo apt-get install stack

  4. Compile the project, and produce the documentation, by standing in this folder and typing:

    stack build; stack haddock

  5. Now you are now ready to use the library, for examples go to the subdirectory src/MC/Songbook/. To run one of the programs, do

    stack runhaskell -- path/to/the/program.hs

  6. Running a program will produce one or more midi files in the folder in which you are standing. If you followed the instructions above, you will have a MIDI sound font installed, go a head and check that the file is present at

    /usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2 To play a midi-file with fluid-synth, type `fluidsynth --verbose --audio-driver=alsa -o audio.alsa.device=hw:0 /path/to/sound/font.sf2 ./path/to/midi/file.mid

  7. For more help, find the documentation in the subdirectory


  8. Enjoy.