
The Beanstalk Protocol

Primary LanguageSolidityMIT LicenseMIT


Beanstalk is a decentralized credit based algorithmic stablecoin protocol that is built on Ethereum.

Techincal Documentation

Technical documentation is a WIP. Current Draft is available here: https://gist.github.com/leonardo-fibonacci/268bb316c4c5ac08bcbc431927998a51


Contract Addresss
Bean 0xDC59ac4FeFa32293A95889Dc396682858d52e5Db
Beanstalk 0xC1E088fC1323b20BCBee9bd1B9fC9546db5624C5
UniswapV2 BEAN:ETH Pool 0x87898263B6C5BABe34b4ec53F22d98430b91e371
Curve BEAN:3CRV Metapool 0x3a70DfA7d2262988064A2D051dd47521E43c9BdD
Curve BEAN:LUSD Plain Pool 0xD652c40fBb3f06d6B58Cb9aa9CFF063eE63d465D
Beanstalk Contract Owner 0xefd0E9ff0C4E1Bee55Db53FDD1FAD6F6950CeD0b
Beanstalk Farms Multisig 0x21DE18B6A8f78eDe6D16C50A167f6B222DC08DF7
Bean Sprout Multisig 0xb7ab3f0667eFF5e2299d39C23Aa0C956e8982235
Development Budget 1 0x83A758a6a24FE27312C1f8BDa7F3277993b64783
Marketing Budget 1 0xAA420e97534aB55637957e868b658193b112A551
Beanstalk Farms Budget 0x21DE18B6A8f78eDe6D16C50A167f6B222DC08DF7
Bean Sprout Budget 0xb7ab3f0667eFF5e2299d39C23Aa0C956e8982235
BeaNFT Genesis 0xa755A670Aaf1FeCeF2bea56115E65e03F7722A79
BeaNFT Winter 0x459895483556dad32526efa461f75e33e458d9e9

Beanstalk Contract & EIP-2535

The Beanstalk smart contract is a multi-facet proxy as it implements EIP-2535. Thus, the Beanstalk contract pulls in functions from a variety of different contracts (called facets in the EIP-2535 documentation) that are all capable of sharing the same state object.

The following are the different facets Beanstalk uses:

Facet Addresss
Budget 0x6c90e5ce27461e31b8954dfa2bc5101507751df6
Claim 0x024a129bb564da019aca23b41891329eadd233d8
Convert 0x649d4b21278a1771c0b196614e2c21b4c73fe801
BDV 0x33b63042865242739bA410aC32AB68723E6CF4b9
Field 0x656b50740cbf6616d6324e3ccc9a96147fa04fb6
Fundraiser 0x19c0674071d068be6c0b3900629618738bd137dc
Governance 0xf480ee81a54e21be47aa02d0f9e29985bc7667c4
Marketplace 0xdefcf58e20520466c2f023ab94a526184f534a6a
Season 0x197406ee97ad1d464194ee0e47efcf5b99520d27
Silo 0x448d330affa0ad31264c2e6a7b5d2bf579608065
SiloV2 0x23d231f37c8f5711468c8abbfbf1757d1f38fda2

The following facets are part of the diamond functionality:

Contract Addresss
DiamondCutFacet 0xDFeFF7592915bea8D040499E961E332BD453C249
DiamondLoupeFacet 0xB51D5C699B749E0382e257244610039dDB272Da0
OwnershipFacet 0x0176D95fd451353F3543A4542e667C62b673621a


  1. clone the repository
  2. run cd protocol to enter the protocol repository
  3. run npm install
  4. run npx hardhat compile


  1. make sure you are in the protocol repository
  2. run npm test to run all coverage tests
  3. run npx hardhat coverage to run all coverage tests and generate a coverage report



As Beanstalk implements EIP-2535, Beanstalk is upgraded through a diamondCut function call. There are two different ways a diamondCut can apply code to Beanstalk:

  1. adding/replacing/removing functions
    • Functions being added/replaced are implemented in smart contracts referred to as facets. Facets are no different than a normal smart contract with callable functions. In order to share a state, Facets can only define 1 internal state variable: The AppStorage struct defined in AppStorage.sol.
  2. calling the init function of a smart contract
    • This is a one time action and will be called when the diamondCut is executed. There can be 1 init call per diamondCut.

Creating a new facet

For this tutorial, we are going to create a new facet called SampleFacet. In your own implementation replace iterations of the word Sample with the name of the Facet you want to create.

  1. make sure you are in the protocol repository
  2. in protocol/farm/facets/, create a new folder called SampleFacet
  3. within the SampleFacet folder create a file called SampleFacet.sol.
  4. implement your faucet. You can use SampleFacet.sol in protocol/samples as a template for a basis faucet. Note that facets can only have AppStorage as an internal state variable or there will be issues with accessing AppStorage.
  5. modify the deploy function in scripts/deploy to include your new facet, so that the faucet will be deployed with the Beanstalk diamond.

Mainnet Forking and Bip Upgrades


There are a couple of steps that must be done before we can fork mainnet and upgrade Bips/test Bip upgrades

  1. include the following code in the networks section of the hardhat.config.js, where ALCHEMY_URL is your mainnet url. We recommend using Alchemy for this. The blockNumber is optional, but we recommend to be one that is close to the current block number but not too close.

    forking: {
        url: <RPC_URL>,
        blockNumber: <BLOCK_NUMBER>
    localhost: {
      chainId: 1337,
      url: "",
      forking: {
        url: <RPC_URL>,
        blockNumber: <BLOCK_NUMBER>
  2. include as in imports section

    const BEANSTALK = "0xC1E088fC1323b20BCBee9bd1B9fC9546db5624C5";
    const ownerFacet = await ethers.getContractAt('OwnershipFacet', BEANSTALK);
    const owner = await ownerFacet.owner();
    const { upgradeWithNewFacets } = require('./scripts/diamond.js')
  3. Lastly, include the tasks required for upgrading above module.exports:

    task("upgrade", "Commits a bip", async() => {
        await hre.network.provider.request({
            method: "hardhat_impersonateAccount",
            params: [owner],
        const account = await ethers.getSigner(owner)
        await upgradeWithNewFacets({
            diamondAddress: BEANSTALK,
            facetNames: [],
            initFacetName: 'InitEmpty',
            initArgs: [],
            bip: false,
            verbose: true,
            account: account
  4. (this is an example of what bip11 deployment looked like):

    await upgradeWithNewFacets({
        diamondAddress: BEANSTALK,
        initFacetName: 'InitBip11',
        facetNames: ['MarketplaceFacet'],
        libraryNames: ["LibClaim"],
        facetLibraries: {
        "MarketplaceFacet": ["LibClaim"],
        bip: false,
        verbose: true,
        account: account

Running the Upgrade Tasks

  1. Spin up your mainnet fork node with:

    npx hardhat node
  2. In another console, execute your tasks by running

    npx hardhat upgrade --network localhost

    where upgrade is where you put the name of your task, in the example above it was named upgrade.

  3. Now you can test your changes using your local blockchain node that should now have the latest version of beanstalk that you upgraded.


Code Version: 1.16.0
Whitepaper Version 1.9.3
