
Join together FiveThirtyEight + Cook ratings on House races and put into easily sortable table.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


I was trying to decide which House races were actually close enough that my time or money could make a difference. So I parsed FiveThirtyEight's assessments, parsed Cook's assessments, and wrote some code to join the two datasets together. (To my knowledge, this combined data doesn't exist in easily sortable/parseable form). This is current as of 8/17/18. Click on combined_data.csv to see the results + download them.


  • combined_data.csv is the combined data file. It is sorted so the races FiveThirtyEight predicts will be closest are at the top. You can load it into Python/R/Excel and parse it however you choose. Column names:
    • district: the name of the district
    • name: 538's name for the incumbent
    • 538_democrat_wins: the percentage chance the Democrat wins, according to the FiveThirtyEight model (0 - 100).
    • 538_diff_from_even: the absolute difference between 538_democrat_wins and 50. Table is sorted by this column.
    • cook_name: Cook's name -- just used this so people can see if something went wrong with the data parsing.
    • cook_pvi_rating: Cook's PVI rating -- negative values indicate Republican is winning.
    • cook_category -- the category Cook puts the race in

For example, the top of the table looks like alt text

  • cook_original_data.txt and fivethirtyeight_original_data.txt are my versions of the original data.
  • goodbye_stranger.ipynb contains the parsing + analysis code (that is just the song I was listening to when I wrote it).

Here's a scatterplot of Cook's PVI's versus FiveThirtyEight's probabilities.

Please contact emmap1@cs.stanford.edu with any comments, questions, or errors.

These files created by Jeff Leek

Please contact jtleek@gmail.com with comments/questions or errors

  • fundraise_2018_dailykos.csv - fundraising data for close races from dailykos with columns
    • state: state of the raise
    • district: district within that state
    • name: name of the candidate
    • party: original party information from DK - this is tidied in later columns
    • q2_raised through transfer: the amounts raised or on hand (I think ) for q2
    • committee_id/candidate_id: I think these are DK ids maybe?
    • incumbant - inferred incumbant status from the party variable
    • party_ind - indicator of independent inferred from the party variable
    • party_dem - indicator of democrat inferred from the party variable
    • party_rep - indicator of republican inferred from the party variable
  • pull_fundraising.Rmd - R markdown file showing the data pull
  • pull_fundraising.pdf - compiled version of the data pulling code with session info