Timeline Sample from SharePoint List (Dynamic Values)


This web part is a sample in how you can create a Beautiful TIMELINE with dynamic values from a SharePoint List



⚠️ Important
Every SPFx version is only compatible with specific version(s) of Node.js. In order to be able to build this sample, please ensure that the version of Node on your workstation matches one of the versions listed in this section. This sample will not work on a different version of Node.
Refer to https://aka.ms/spfx-matrix for more information on SPFx compatibility.

This sample is optimally compatible with the following environment configuration:

SPFx 1.17.0 Node.js v16 | v17 | v12 Compatible with SharePoint Online Does not work with SharePoint 2019 Does not work with SharePoint 2016 (Feature Pack 2) Local Workbench Unsupported Hosted Workbench Compatible Compatible with Remote Containers

For more information about SPFx compatibility, please refer to https://aka.ms/spfx-matrix

Applies to

Get your own free development tenant by subscribing to Microsoft 365 developer program


Version history

Version Date Comments
1.0 April 08, 2023 Initial release

Minimal Path to Awesome

Create a Custom List

Name Type
MyAreas Choice
MyShortText Single line of text
MyHyperlink Hyperlink or Picture
MyIconRgb Single line of text
MyIcon Choice
MyCardTitle Single line of text
  • Clone this repository (or download this solution as a .ZIP file then unzip it)
  • From your command line, change your current directory to the directory containing this sample (react-timeline-3rdparty, located under samples)
  • in the command line run:
    • npm install
    • gulp serve
