or, "UserDefaults Made Easy"
A simple interface for UserDefaults that allows for observing and reacting to changes to the value.
Compatible with SwiftUI.
- Writing the UserDefaults key string once, and only once, is valuable.
- Enums felt like a hack.
- Out-of-sync toggles if the logic was done outside of SwiftUI
- Access across the app.
- @AppStorage worked well only within the confines of the SwiftUI sphere.
- Supports Binding to SwiftUI elements.
- Supports onChange() execution.
- Works like it should ^TM.
import Stored
Example 1. Most simple usage, storing in UserDefaults.standard by default.
// Implementation
final class LocalStorage: ObservableObject {
@Stored("hapticFeedbackEnabled") static var hapticsEnabled: Bool = false
// Utilization
// The "static var" allows us to use this as a singleton value.
LocalStorage.hapticsEnabled = true
Example 2. Most elaborate usage. Stores in a custom UserDefaults, and runs a custom function when a change in value is detected.
// Implementation
final class LocalStorage: ObservableObject {
private static var syncService: UserDefaults { UserDefaults(suiteName: "syncServicePrefs")! }
@Stored("syncEnable", storage: LocalStorage.syncService, onChange: { _, newValue in
// Observe the change.
print("Sync \(value ? "enabled" : "disabled").")
// Act upon the change.
if newValue == true {
// ...
}) static var sync: Bool = false
// Utilization in a practical use case.
struct SettingsView: View {
@AppStorage(syncService.$sync) var sync: Bool = false
var body: some View {
Toggle(isOn: LocalStorage.$sync) { Text("Synchronize Data") }
// Alternate utilization. The onChange() function will fire when this runs.
UserDefaults(syncServicePrefs)?.set(true, forKey: "syncEnable")
Example 3. An alternate method of initializing a propertyWrapper that may feel more familiar.
// Implementation
final class LocalStorage: ObservableObject {
var mark: Stored<Bool> = Stored(true, key: "mark", storage: .standard, onChange: {_,_ in })
The onChange only triggers on a successful change, not just an attempted one.
final class LocalStorage: ObservableObject {
@Stored("mark", onChange: { _, value in
print("result: \(value)")
}) static var mark: Bool = false
UserDefaults.standard.set(false, forKey: "mark")
UserDefaults.standard.set(false, forKey: "mark")
UserDefaults.standard.set(true, forKey: "mark")
// (nothing happens)
// (nothing happens)
// result: true