

Primary LanguageC++

SWAP-Assembler 2

SWAP-Assembler is a scalable and fully parallelized genome assembler for massive sequencing data.


* [Dependencies]
* [Compiling SWAP-Assembler from source]
* [Data preprocessing]
* [Running SWAP-Assembler on a cluster]
* [Optimizing the parameter k and c]
* [Format of output files]
* [Other tools]
* [Mailing List]
* [Authors]


SWAP-Assembler requires the following libraries:
* [GCC version 4.1 or larger] (http://gcc.gnu.org)
* [MPICH version 1.4 or larger] (http://www.mpich.org)

Compiling SWAP-Assembler from source

To compile and install SWAP-Assembler in its source directory:

Data preprocessing 

SWAP-Assembler only receive one file in fasta format.
All input files in fastq format should be first transformated to fasta files, 
and then combine all these files into one file in fasta format. 

Users is suggested to use the script in utils to generate a simulated data named 
as ecoli.fa to test our software. To do this just use the following command:

Running SWAP-Assembler on a cluster

SWAP-Assembler works well with MPICH2 on clusters using the following job schedulers, 
such as:

 * Portable Batch System (PBS)
 * Load Sharing Facility (LSF)

For example, to assemble a ecoli dataset in ecoli.fa with the kmer length of 31 
and cutoff threshold of 5 using 64 processes:
        mpirun -np 64 ./swap -k 31 -c 5 -i ./utils/ecoli.fa -o Ecoli_k31_c5 

Assembly Parameters

Parameters of the driver script, `swap`

 * 'k': size of k-mer (bp) ['23']
 * 'c': cutoff threshold for edges and k-melecules. ['0'] 
 * 'i': the dataset file in fasta format. 
 * 'o': the directory for all the output files.
 * 'h': help information for the usage of SWAP-Assembler.
 * 'v': version information of SWAP-Assembler. 
 * 's': output the kmer Graph in file kmerGraph.txt.
 * 'j': output the Jung Graph in file JungGraph_arc.txt and JungGraph_mul.txt. 
 * 'd': output the contig graph in file contigGraph.txt. 

Format of output files
  the time usage used in each step is recoreded in logtime.txt. 

  All contigs are collected in this file before the Contig Extension step. 
  Acuracy of these contigs will be slightly higher than the contigs in CEcontig.fasta. 

  All contigs are collected in this file after the Contig Extension step. 
  N50 and Coverage of these contigs will be much higher than the contigs in noCEcontig.fasta.

  The connections between kmers are included in this file. 
  If a kmer A overlaps with kmer B and C, then the connections for kmer A is:
  A B C 
  B' A'
  C' A'
  here B' is the complementary kmer of B. Note that each kmer has at most four overlapping kmers.

  This file is a contig graph used for Pajek, which is an program for large network analysis. 
  The formart of this file is as follows:
    Given two kmolecules A and B, and the two are connected with a bi-directed edge e, here the 
    length of e is l; then the following line will be inject into JungGraph_arc.txt:
    A  B  l
  This file is a contig graph used for Pajek, which is an program for large network analysis. 
  The formart of this file is as follows:
    Given two kmolecules A and B, and the two are connected with a bi-directed edge e, here the 
    multiplicity of e is m; then the following line will be inject into JungGraph_arc.txt:
    A  B  m
  This file presents all information of the whole contig graph, and the format of this file is:
    Given a kmolecule A, which will have at most 8 neighbors with 8 bi-directed edges e. The ID 
    of kmolecule A comes first, then four edges for the positive kmer and four edges for the negative
    kmer will be followed, finally the multiplicity of these edges is prented respectively in the
    same order. Each edges will be end with '#'.
    A edege0# edge1# edge2# edge3# edge4# edge5# edge6# edge7#  multiplicity0 multiplicity1 
    multiplicity2 multiplicity3 multiplicity4 multiplicity5 multiplicity6 multiplicity7

Other tools
  stats is used to analysis the quality of contigs, the quality includes number of contigs (longer than 200bp),
  number of bases in the contigs, the length of longest contig, the average length of contigs, and the N50 
  size. N50 size includes N50_self and N50_abs, N50_self is the N50 size which use the total number of based 
  in the output contigs as its reference size, and the N50_abs use the given reference size as its reference size. 

  The usage of this program is  
    ./stats contigfile referencesize
  For example, if we need to evaluate the output of S.aureus dataset, just start the script as follows
    ./stats ./Saur_k31_c2/CEcontig.fasta 2903081
  Here 2903081 is the reference size of S.aureus. 

Optimizing the parameter k and c

To find the optimal value of `k` and 'c', run multiple assemblies and inspect
the assembly contiguity statistics. The following shell snippet will
assemble for every odd value of `k` from 19 to 31 and threshold value of 'c'
from 3 to 7. 

    for k in 19 21 23 25 27 29 31; do
        for c in 3 4 5 6 7; do
            echo "k is $k, c is $c"
            mpirun -np 32 ./swap -k $k -c $c -i ./utils/ecoli.fa -o Ecoli_k${k}_c${c}

The default maximum value for `k` is 31. 

Mailing List

For questions related to SWAP-Assembler on genome assembly, contact the
[mailing list]
(jt.meng@siat.ac.cn) or (yj.wei@siat.ac.cn)


This document  is written by Jintao Meng and Yanjie Wei.
SWAP-Assembler is written by Jintao Meng.

Copyright 2013 Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, CAS, Shenzhen, PR. China