Create quick and short daily summaries of your Toggl entries per project per description.
You would need python version 3.6 or above. You can check your current version by running python3 -V
You will need to generate a Toggl API token which can be found at the bottom of the page of your Toggl profile.
Install the dependencies then run the script. If date options are not provided, timetracker will only summarize entries for today.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 --since 2020-01-01 --token <toggle_token>
checkin 2020-01-01
- 3.64 hrs #project-1 Bugs
- 1.07 hrs #project-2 Features
- 0.50 hr #project-2 Pull Requests
The following date options are available:
--since {yyyy-mm-dd}
You can also set the env variable TIMETRACKER_TOKEN
and skip the token arg
export TIMETRACKER_TOKEN=<toggl_token>
python3 --since 2020-01-01
You can also set the timezone. The default value is Asia/Manila
python3 --since 2020-01-01 --timezone='Asia/Manila'
The script applies .lower()
to the project name and adds #
in front of the project. Project-1
will be converted to #project-1
Setting up development
pre-commit install
- Project format
- Add some logging
- Set up ci/cd