
Spawn processes from the file system.

Primary LanguageElixirBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Spawns commands from the file system. This exists to provide a simple mechanism for spawning and managing processes: simply add an executable, or a symbolic link to one, to a monitored directory. The config allows arguments to be specified by file or directory.

While not as flexible as upstart, monit, et al., SpawnDir's use of the filesystem provides a simpler UNIX-ish interface.


To use the escript executable:

./spawndir DIR [ARGS ...]

where DIR is the directory to be monitored, and each command will be started with the supplied ARGS

To run using mix:

mix run --no-halt

You can configure what is watched via the :spawndir application environment variables:

:default_opts :: [opt]
:watch        :: [cmd | {cmd, [opt]}]
  where opt :: string()
        cmd :: string()

Future Additions

  • Check for executable flag
  • Package installation
  • Monitor filesystem for commands being added/removed

Copyright (c) Thomas Moulia, 2014