
React Component Library for Flutter Widgets

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Flutterwind is a UI component library that bridges the gap between Flutter and React, leveraging the power and simplicity of Tailwind CSS. It's designed to provide a seamless experience for developers familiar with Flutter, allowing them to utilize a similar component structure in their React applications.


  • Familiarity: Emulates Flutter's widget system, making it intuitive for Flutter developers to build React applications.
  • Efficiency: Speeds up the development process with a set of pre-designed, customizable components.
  • Consistency: Ensures UI consistency across your application with Tailwind CSS integration.
  • Responsiveness: Tailwind CSS integration means every component is responsive and adaptable to various screen sizes.


To use Flutterwind in your project, install the package via npm:

npm install flutterwind

Or via yarn:

yarn add flutterwind


Add the Flutterwind styles to your app:

import 'flutterwind/dist/style.css'

Here's a quick example to get you started with Flutterwind:

import React from 'react';
import { Row, Column, Button } from 'flutterwind';

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (
    <Column className="p-4">
      <Row className="mb-2">
        <Button label="Click Me" onPressed={() => alert('Button clicked!')} />
      {/* Add more Flutterwind components here */}

export default MyComponent;


Flutterwind includes a variety of components such as:

  • Row and Column for layout control.
  • Button, IconButton, Checkbox, etc., for user interaction.
  • Card, Dialog, AppBar, and more for designing your UI.

Each component is customizable with Tailwind CSS classes for a familiar styling approach.


Contributions to Flutterwind are welcome! Whether it's submitting an issue, a pull request, or just a suggestion, all contributions are appreciated and valued.


Flutterwind is MIT licensed.