
Sample repo for fetching internet data

Primary LanguageDart


Sample repo for fetching internet data

App Variants

This app uses --dart-define-from-file to allow multiple apps to be built from the same codebase. The following variants are available:

  • simpsons
  • wire

If you open this codebase in Android Studio, the run configurations will be auto-populated. Otherwise you can run each variant using the following commands:

flutter run --dart-define-from-file=assets/simpsons.json
flutter run --dart-define-from-file=assets/wire.json

Each variant has a unique bundle ID, name, and search URL.


Responsive Design

On large screens the app will display as a list next to a details component while on small screens the list and details pages are separate.


The search bar will filter the search results based on the contents of the item's "text" field which includes their name and description.


I used the get_it package, ValueNotifiers, and ValueNotifierBuilders to manage and react to app state. To deserialize the json results I used the json_serializable and json_annotation packages.