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Flutter Fast

A new Flutter project.

Getting Started

Firebase Setup

In the root of your project, run the following command:

flutterfire config


In the assets folder of your project, fill in the missing environment variables in the config.json file.

The following variable will come from RevenueCat:


App Logo

In the assets folder of your project, replace the app_logo.png file with your own app logo. Then run the following command to update the app icon:

flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons


Use structured product IDs:

Google Play Product ID: app_entitlement_version

Base Plan: duration-renewaltype (eg. monthly-autorenewing)

RC Steps:

  1. Locate API keys and add to config.json
  2. Create Entitlements
  3. Add/Import Products
  4. Associate Entitlements with Products
  5. Create Offering
  6. Add Packages to Offering
  7. Add Products to Packages



Sign App

keytool -genkey -v -keystore ~path/to/key.jks -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias upload

First Release

The flutter build command defaults to using the release build configuration. To create a release build, run the following command:

flutter build appbundle

Subsequent Releases

Run the Fastlanes:

cd android
fastlane internal


First Release

flutter build ipa

Subsequent Releases

Run the Fastlanes:

cd ios
fastlane beta


To use Shorebird, follow the getting started steps in the official docs.

IOS Screenshots

Devices for screenshots:

  • 6.5 inch - iPhone 12 Pro Max
  • 5.5 inch - iPhone 8 Plus
  • iPad Pro (3rd gen) - iPad Pro (12.9 inch)
  • iPad Pro(2nd gen) - iPad Pro (12.9 inch)


  • Occasionally, you may need to update th distributionUrl in android/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties to the latest version of gradle. You can find the latest version here.