
A repository for all Signal-related Docker containers

Primary LanguageJava


What is Signal anyway?

The full Signal-Project consists of two main branches: the user-facing apps and programs, and the messy server backend

User-facing apps and programs

  • These are the android, ios, and desktop applications. They all are basic programs and have a slew (~12) of urls that ping different backend services

The backend

  • The backend consists of the large Signal-Server, the brains of the backend, and many small, scalable nodes that all listen on subdomains (chat.signal.org, storage.signal.org, etc)

  • The nodes handle parts of Signal like registration, sending images, voice and video calls, etc. Packaging these functions into seperate servers allows for easy scalability in AWS, but for a local implementation they can all be dockerized and ran with the main server on the same system

                             Messaging Dependencies & Implementation

┌────────────────────┐        ┌───────────────────────────────────┐       ┌─────────────────┐
│                    │        │                                   │       │                 │
│ Signal-Server      │◄──────►│ nginx                             │◄─────►│ Signal-Android  │
│ implemented in EC2 │        │ implemented in a docker container │       │ or iOS          │
│                    │        │                                   │       └─────────────────┘
└────────────────────┘        └───────────────────────────────────┘
                                ▲     ▲                    ▲    ▲
                                │     │                    │    │
                                │     │                    │    │
                                │     │                    │    │
                      ┌─────────┘     │                    │    └─────────┐
                      │               │                    │              │
                      ▼               ▼                    ▼              ▼
 ┌──────────────────────┐ ┌─────────────────┐ ┌─────────────────┐ ┌───────────────────────┐
 │                      │ │                 │ │                 │ │                       │
 │ registration-service │ │ storage-service │ │ backup-service  │ │ SecureValueRecoveryV2 │
 │ implemented in EC2   │ │ not implemented │ │ not implemented │ │ not implemented       │
 │                      │ │                 │ │                 │ │                       │
 └──────────────────────┘ └─────────────────┘ └─────────────────┘ └───────────────────────┘

Signal-Project Roadmap

Goal: Completely replicate and document the function of Signal


  • The main server that manages E2EE messaging compiles and runs without errors

    • Untested, but fully functional

    • The server itself works, receiving and sending api requests and registering phone numbers

    • Can't test messaging because other unconfigured services are required for messaging to work

    • zkparams couldn't be generated properly and was cut out, but is probably required in other self-hosted dependencies

  • registration-service is fully functional and you can register numbers over https using Signal-Android

    • Relies on the dev environment, which is probably impractical for deployment, but only requied for the actual handshake of registering a phone number (everything is stored in DynamoDB anyway)
  • storage-service is a Signal-Server dependency that handles the secure storage of various bits of user information and encrypted messages

    • Not started, but required to finish account creation, finding users to message, and possibly messaging as a whole

    • Extremely difficult to deploy - missing any documentation, including any build instructions or sample.yml's to work off of

  • SecureValueRecovery2 is the place where encrypted account recovery information is stored, locked behind the user's pin

    • Not started, but required to finish account creation

    • Relatively easy to deploy - comes with thorough enough build instructions and a sample.yml to fill out

Signal-Project Backend



  • This docker container has not been updated to use an IAM compatible container. This will be a back-burnered project, but you can check out or work on it in the metadataproxy folder

    • This container also probably needs to change how it handles creating the image: as it is currently, it creates a new server with new server-specific certificates. Switching to a two-part build-then-run process would address this, as well as add the ability to pass in your pre-existing signal-server.jar at runtime

full instructions

  • This is the guide to follow to deploy Signal-Server in an EC2 instance

Registration Service


  • The Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml appear to have the correct implementation, but even after exposing ports and port forwarding the server can't be pinged by public ip address

  • Currently not working despite being a very simple program to Dockerize. I am unsure why it doesn't work, but for the moment you will have to run registration-service on bare metal

full instructions


NGNIX with Certbot

dockerized docs

  • This docker image handles the annoying bits of deploying NGINX and automates getting and renewing https certificates

  • The image passes in any custom configuration files at runtime, allowing for ease of use in addition to being dead simple to set up


dockerized docs

  • Very simple deployment (one script), with some added notes on manually verifying that everything works as intended

To Do

  • Debug registration-service

    • Currently unresponsive to any pings despite building and running without errors and reading changes in the application.yml
  • Completely fill out Signal-Android

    • include reminders about gcloud oath2