
Call for participation in 2019

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Call for participation in 2019

I am making a personal goal of 20 rejections for submitting talks to open call for proposals for 2019. Why rejections and not something more positive like, "I will talk at n of conferences next year." My goal is the process and participation moving forward and learning, to improve and better articulate my thoughts and ideas. If I went with a goal simliar to the one just stated, each rejection would feel like a set back, even knowing full well that everyone gets rejectioned for talks. I want to embrace, and treat rejects as a positive, and while it doesn't always feel that way, it absolutely is.


Topic Idea's

  1. Transform for Good, using Babel Macro
  2. Types Can Help
  3. WebAssembly needs you
  4. Instant Computing WebAssembly VM
  5. You need Haskell, maybe.
  6. Haskell, the easy parts.
  7. From Pirate to Admiral with Types
  8. What does Babel Compile do?
  9. Elm and React together
  10. Gatsby, everyone can blog
  11. What is Functional JavaScript
  12. Typescript journey. From wow, ugh, to love.
  13. Everyone is devops
  14. Gatsby, getting content out
  15. Elm Live View
  16. Parsing Markdown
  17. Building Macros for JavaScript
  18. Saving Time Documentation ​