
Looking for git users and their details

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Git Searching

Netlify Status

  • I can search for users and
  • see a paginated list of results
  • I can navigate through the next and previous pages of the paginated results
  • I see the total count of search results
  • I see notable information for each search result, such as the description, star/follower count, profile pictures, etc.
  • I can select a search result and be taken to the applicable page on github.com API

These are the objectives of our Git Search Application.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repogit clone -b --single-branch starter https://github.com/jtomchak/git-searching.git && cd git-searching
    • Why single-branch? The idea to clone the starter branch and work along with the sections. If you get stuck, you can always refer to the finished branch for that section on the repo itself. But you'll get far more out of it by working through it rather than just following along.
  2. Install dependencies yarn or npm i
  3. Run the app with yarn start or npm start
  4. Testing with yarn test or npm test