
This project creates a readme.md based upon user inputs at the command line.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Readme Generator


This project utilizes Node.js to create a professional looking readme file based upon user inputs. The application asks the user a series of questions for which the supplied answers are used to construct the readme sections. The application asks for a title, installation instructions, usage instructions, a license type, contributions, any applicable tests and finally email and GitHub username in order to create the Readme.


  • Install node.js to computer, if not already present.
    • Node.js can be installed from here
  • Copy all the application files in folder 'generatorCode' locally to one's machine.
  • In a terminal window where you copied the files, install 'inquirer' using node package manager (npm)
    • npm install inquirer --save


This application requires Node.js to be installed. It also requires the user to have installed 'Inquirer' via npm. (See Installation section.) Once these items have been installed, the user can launch the application from a terminal window as follows:

node index.js

The application will proceed to ask the user a series of questions in order to build the readme file.

Video Walkthrough

Due to there being no front end to this project that a user can open in a browser, please view the following video link to get a feel for how the command line application is executed and types of inputs required by the user in order to generate a professional Readme.md file.


Repository Link

Direct link to repository: https://github.com/jtoth7824/readmeGenerator

Sample Output Link

The following link shows a sample Readme.md file generated with this application
