
I little BAP plugin that demos some of the features of loading two binary executables into BAP.

Primary LanguageAssembly

Load 2 demo

Demoing some features of loading 2 binary executables into BAP.

I'm using the following BAP version (via the docker container):

bap --version
> 2.2.0-alpha+25d1eb6

Build and run

Clone this repo somewhere:

cd ~/code
git clone https://github.com/jtpaasch/load2demo.git
cd load2demo

Mount the code into the BAP docker container:

docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/srv -w /srv binaryanalysisplatform:latest bash

Build the dummy executables:

make -C resources

Build the demo:


Run it:

bap load2demo resources/main_1 resources/main_2

This will load the two programs, and print their main functions. The way it load these programs is: it loads the first exe and calls Project.program, then it repeats that for the second exe. Roughly like this:

let proj_1 = Project.create exe_1 in
let prog_1 = Project.program proj_1 in

let proj_2 = Project.create exe_2 in
let prog_2 = Project.program proj_2 in

Alternatively, you can add a --merge flag when you call load2demo:

bap load2demo resources/main_1 resources/main_2 --merge

This will also load the two programs and print their main functions, but the loading happens differently. With the --merge flag, the two exes are first loaded, and then Project.program is called on them. Roughly like this:

let proj_1 = Project.create exe_1 in
let proj_2 = Project.create exe_2 in

let prog_1 = Project.program proj_1 in
let prog_2 = Project.program proj_2 in

See load2demo.ml for the actual code that does this.

The examples

Load resources/main_1 and resources/main_2:

bap load2demo resources/main_1 resources/main_2

In the printed result, I see that the respective main functions each have their own set of TIDs, and main_1 returns RAX := 3 while main_2 returns RAX := 5, just as in the assembly resources/main_1.asm and resources/main_2.asm.

Now try it with the --merge flag:

bap load2demo resources/main_1 resources/main_2 --merge

This time, the two main functions look exactly alike. They have the same TIDs, and both have RAX := 3. It's as if the second program overwrites the first.

(It's not clear to me why there's no conflict between RAX := 3 and RAX := 5. Should that result in a KB conflict?)

Now load resources/main_2 and resources/main_3:

bap load2demo resources/main_2 resources/main_3

In the printed result, the respective main functions each have their own set of TIDs, and main_2 returns RAX := 3 while main_3 returns RAX := mem[0x601030, el]:u64, just as in the assembly resources/main_2.asm and resources/main_3.asm.

Now try it with the --merge flag:

bap load2demo resources/main_2 resources/main_3 --merge

This time, BAP throws a conflict error, saying that the instructions conflict. Again, it as if BAP is trying to merge the second program over the top of the first one.

I am not sure I understand why these two ways of loading differ. What exactly is happening here?