
Abstract interpretation in datalog.

MIT LicenseMIT


It's turtles all the way down. Er, all the way up, cuz datalog. - Someone probably said it

This repo contains an encoding of some basic abstract interpretation in (Souffle) datalog. It's a work in progress.

The datalog files live in the library/ folder. Some example programs live in the examples/ folder. Run them like this:

souffle -w -D- examples/example-01.dl
souffle -w -D- examples/example-02.dl
souffle -w -D- examples/example-03.dl
souffle -w -D- examples/example-04.dl

To use the library to compute the concrete semantics of a program:

Further analyses built on top of the concrete trace semantics:

  • Reaching definitions. See it with .output reachingDef (or see examples/example-03.dl).
  • General data flow, and data flow for particular traces. See it with .output flow, .output traceFlow, and .output traceFlowSummary (or see examples/examples-02.dl).