
PaddingError: Placeholder of length '80' too short in package /scratch/oknjav001/transcriptomics/proteogenomics/proteomegenerator/workingdir/.snakemake/conda/486087b3/bin/hb-ot-shape-closure.

Opened this issue · 0 comments

I am getting the following error. How can I go about it?
Building DAG of jobs...
Pulling singularity image docker://continuumio/miniconda3:4.5.4.
Pulling singularity image docker://mono:
Creating conda environment ../envs/myenv.yaml...
Downloading and installing remote packages.
Could not create conda environment from /scratch/oknjav001/transcriptomics/proteogenomics/proteomegenerator/envs/myenv.yaml:
Solving environment: ...working... done

==> WARNING: A newer version of conda exists. <==
current version: 4.5.4
latest version: 4.8.3

Please update conda by running

$ conda update -n base conda

libffi-3.2.1 | 43 KB | ########## | 100%
icu-54.1 | 11.3 MB | ########4 | 85%
icu-54.1 | 11.3 MB | ########## | 100%
ncurses-6.1 | 661 KB | ########## | 100%
libtiff-4.1.0 | 589 KB | ########## | 100%
r-foreign-0.8_67 | 223 KB | ########## | 100%
openssl-1.1.1g | 3.8 MB | ########## | 100%
ld_impl_linux-64-2.3 | 645 KB | ########## | 100%
freetype-2.5.5 | 2.5 MB | ########## | 100%
libpng-1.6.37 | 364 KB | ########## | 100%
ca-certificates-2020 | 132 KB | ########## | 100%
star-2.5.2a | 5.5 MB | ########## | 100%
cairo-1.14.6 | 2.1 MB | ########## | 100%
harfbuzz-0.9.42 | 1.1 MB | ########## | 100%
libdb-6.1.26 | 21.5 MB | ###6 | 37%
libdb-6.1.26 | 21.5 MB | ########1 | 82%
libdb-6.1.26 | 21.5 MB | ########## | 100%
jpeg-9b | 248 KB | ########## | 100%
bioconductor-zlibbio | 15 KB | ########## | 100%
certifi-2020.4.5.1 | 159 KB | ########## | 100%
picard-2.18.7 | 13.5 MB | ##8 | 28%
picard-2.18.7 | 13.5 MB | ########## | 100%
zlib-1.2.11 | 152 KB | ########## | 100%
_r-mutex-1.0.0 | 2 KB | ########## | 100%
bioconductor-s4vecto | 1.2 MB | ########## | 100%
libedit-3.1.20181209 | 188 KB | ########## | 100%
xz-5.2.4 | 329 KB | ########## | 100%
openjdk-8.0.152 | 128.5 MB | 7 | 7%
openjdk-8.0.152 | 128.5 MB | #4 | 15%
openjdk-8.0.152 | 128.5 MB | ##2 | 22%
openjdk-8.0.152 | 128.5 MB | ##9 | 30%
openjdk-8.0.152 | 128.5 MB | #### | 41%
openjdk-8.0.152 | 128.5 MB | ####8 | 48%
openjdk-8.0.152 | 128.5 MB | #####6 | 56%
openjdk-8.0.152 | 128.5 MB | #######1 | 71%
openjdk-8.0.152 | 128.5 MB | #######8 | 78%
openjdk-8.0.152 | 128.5 MB | ########1 | 82%
openjdk-8.0.152 | 128.5 MB | ########4 | 84%
openjdk-8.0.152 | 128.5 MB | ########9 | 89%
openjdk-8.0.152 | 128.5 MB | #########2 | 92%
openjdk-8.0.152 | 128.5 MB | #########4 | 95%
openjdk-8.0.152 | 128.5 MB | #########7 | 98%
openjdk-8.0.152 | 128.5 MB | ########## | 100%
r-nlme-3.1_128 | 2.0 MB | ########## | 100%
wheel-0.34.2 | 49 KB | ########## | 100%
bioconductor-xvector | 391 KB | ########## | 100%
_libgcc_mutex-0.1 | 3 KB | ########## | 100%
r-mgcv-1.8_12 | 1.9 MB | ########## | 100%
bioconductor-biostri | 13.2 MB | ###### | 60%
bioconductor-biostri | 13.2 MB | ########## | 100%
r-mass-7.3_45 | 1.0 MB | ########## | 100%
stringtie-1.3.4 | 1.4 MB | ########## | 100%
r-3.3.1 | 584 B | ########## | 100%
curl-7.69.1 | 148 KB | ########## | 100%
pip-20.0.2 | 1.9 MB | ########## | 100%
bioconductor-biocgen | 509 KB | ########## | 100%
r-recommended-3.3.1 | 758 B | ########## | 100%
transdecoder-5.2.0 | 15.2 MB | #### | 41%
transdecoder-5.2.0 | 15.2 MB | #########6 | 97%
transdecoder-5.2.0 | 15.2 MB | ########## | 100%
pango-1.40.3 | 1.2 MB | ########## | 100%
r-cluster-2.0.5 | 481 KB | ########## | 100%
perl-5.22.0 | 15.2 MB | #########9 | 100%
######## | 100%
r-rpart-4.1_10 | 863 KB | ########## | 100%
libcurl-7.69.1 | 591 KB | ########## | 100%
readline-7.0 | 164 KB | ########## | 100%
pixman-0.34.0 | 1.1 MB | ########## | 100%
r-spatial-7.3_11 | 123 KB | ########## | 100%
r-class-7.3_14 | 82 KB | ########## | 100%
bioconductor-iranges | 1.5 MB | ########## | 100%
pcre-8.42 | 727 KB | ########## | 100%
fontconfig-2.11.1 | 405 KB | ########## | 100%
glib-2.43.0 | 6.2 MB | ########## | 100%
r-matrix-1.2_7.1 | 2.3 MB | ########## | 100%
krb5-1.17.1 | 1.5 MB | ########## | 100%
r-kernsmooth-2.23_15 | 84 KB | ########## | 100%
r-nnet-7.3_12 | 99 KB | ########## | 100%
bzip2-1.0.6 | 145 KB | ########## | 100%
boost-1.60.0 | 10.5 MB | ###### | 60%
boost-1.60.0 | 10.5 MB | ########## | 100%
python-3.6.10 | 33.9 MB | # | 10%
python-3.6.10 | 33.9 MB | ###7 | 38%
python-3.6.10 | 33.9 MB | ########4 | 85%
python-3.6.10 | 33.9 MB | ########## | 100%
r-boot-1.3_18 | 578 KB | ########## | 100%
gsl-2.2.1 | 3.6 MB | ########## | 100%
perl-db-file-1.835 | 38 KB | ########## | 100%
samtools-1.3.1 | 476 KB | ########## | 100%
r-codetools-0.2_15 | 47 KB | ########## | 100%
libstdcxx-ng-9.1.0 | 4.0 MB | ########## | 100%
blast-2.2.31 | 131.1 MB | 4 | 4%
blast-2.2.31 | 131.1 MB | #2 | 12%
blast-2.2.31 | 131.1 MB | ### | 30%
blast-2.2.31 | 131.1 MB | ###8 | 39%
blast-2.2.31 | 131.1 MB | ####6 | 46%
blast-2.2.31 | 131.1 MB | #####4 | 54%
blast-2.2.31 | 131.1 MB | ####### | 71%
blast-2.2.31 | 131.1 MB | #######8 | 79%
blast-2.2.31 | 131.1 MB | ########1 | 82%
blast-2.2.31 | 131.1 MB | ########4 | 84%
blast-2.2.31 | 131.1 MB | ########9 | 90%
blast-2.2.31 | 131.1 MB | #########2 | 93%
blast-2.2.31 | 131.1 MB | #########5 | 95%
blast-2.2.31 | 131.1 MB | #########8 | 98%
blast-2.2.31 | 131.1 MB | ########## | 100%
gffread-0.9.8 | 209 KB | ########## | 100%
r-lattice-0.20_34 | 704 KB | ########## | 100%
libgcc-7.2.0 | 304 KB | ########## | 100%
perl-threaded-5.26.0 | 4 KB | ########## | 100%
libgcc-ng-9.1.0 | 8.1 MB | ########## | 100%
perl-uri-1.71 | 54 KB | ########## | 100%
libssh2-1.9.0 | 346 KB | ########## | 100%
zstd-1.3.7 | 887 KB | ########## | 100%
libxml2-2.9.9 | 2.0 MB | ########## | 100%
r-survival-2.39_4 | 4.5 MB | ########## | 100%
setuptools-46.1.3 | 663 KB | ########## | 100%
sqlite-3.31.1 | 2.0 MB | ########## | 100%
tk-8.6.8 | 3.1 MB | ########## | 100%
r-base-3.3.1 | 21.6 MB | ###1 | 32%
r-base-3.3.1 | 21.6 MB | ########3 | 84%
r-base-3.3.1 | 21.6 MB | ########## | 100%
Downloading and Extracting Packages
Preparing transaction: ...working... done
Verifying transaction: ...working... failed

PaddingError: Placeholder of length '80' too short in package /scratch/oknjav001/transcriptomics/proteogenomics/proteomegenerator/workingdir/.snakemake/conda/486087b3/bin/hb-ot-shape-closure.
The package must be rebuilt with conda-build > 2.0.