An interactive pip requirements upgrader. Because upgrading requirements, package by package, is a pain in the ass. It also updates the version in your requirements.txt file.
This cli tools helps you interactively(or not) upgrade packages from requirements file, and also update the pinned version from requirements file(s).
If no requirements are given, the command attempts to detect the requirements file(s) in the current directory.
Quick preview:
pip install pip-upgrader
Note: this packages installs the following requirements: 'docopt', 'packaging', 'requests', 'terminaltables', 'colorclass'
To avoid installing all these dependencies in your project, you can install pip-upgrader
in your system, rather than your virtualenv.
If you install it in your system, and need to upgrade it, run pip install -U pip-upgrader
Activate your virtualenv (important, because it will also install the new versions of upgraded packages in current virtualenv)
CD into your project. Then:
$ pip-upgrade
requirements_file(s) The requirement FILE, or WILDCARD PATH to multiple files. (positional arguments) --prerelease Include prerelease versions for upgrade, when querying pypi repositories. -p <package> Pre-choose which packages tp upgrade. Skips any prompt. --dry-run Simulates the upgrade, but does not execute the actual upgrade. --skip-package-installation Only upgrade the version in requirements files, don't install the new package. --skip-virtualenv-check Disable virtualenv check. Allows installing the new packages outside the virtualenv. --use-default-index Skip searching for custom index-url in pip configuration file(s).
pip-upgrade # auto discovers requirements file. Prompts for selecting upgrades pip-upgrade requirements.txt pip-upgrade requirements/dev.txt requirements/production.txt # skip prompt and manually choose some/all packages for upgrade pip-upgrade requirements.txt -p django -p celery pip-upgrade requirements.txt -p all # include pre-release versions pip-upgrade --prerelease
To use pip-upgrader
on install requirements located in a
try this:
./ egg_info
pip-upgrade $(./ --name | tr -- - _)*.egg-info/requires.txt
This will display any versions that can be upgraded, and helps you to manually maintain the install_requires
to be completed
If you encounter any bugs, please open an issue and it will be magically resolved :)
- implement some sort of dependency detection, and nested display. Useful for requirements generated with pip freeze.
- support for
(only works forpackage==0.1.0
Have fun! :)
Clone the repository, create a virtualenv, then run:
pip install -e .[test] py.test
This command will :
- run tests
- print coverage report
- print pep8 errors
For detailed coverage report, after py.test run
coverage html && open htmlcov/index.html
Testing against all python version Make sure you have python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6 installed (maybe use pyenv). Then:
pip install tox tox