
Index for community contribution video tutorials

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Render the web site (RStudio)

  • 1. If you haven't already, click "Help" "Check for Updates" to make sure you have the latest version of RStudio (and thus have Quarto installed.)

  • 2. Render the web site locally by clicking the "Build" tap on the right and then "Render Website".

  • 3. Use browseURL("docs/index.html") to view your site locally (or just open docs/index.html in a browser).

  • 4. If it looks good, commit and push all changed files to GitHub.

(You will need to repeat steps 2 and 4 every time you wish to update the book online.)

Next steps

  • Add content to index.qmd as desired.

  • Add content to projects.qmd as desired.

  • Change the photo in the img folder to your photo.

  • Choose a theme from https://bootswatch.com/ and replace "cerulean" in _quarto.yml with your prefered theme.

  • Add additional tabs/sections by creating new .qmd files and listing them in _quarto.yml under projects.qmd.

Additional features

Please consult the official guide to quarto web sites: https://quarto.org/docs/websites/

Last but not least

Once you've completed these steps, delete the content of this README and add a short description of your project with a link to the book URL. It would be appreciated if you add the following to the end:

This repo was initially generated from a Quarto template available here: https://github.com/jtr13/website-template.

(And starring the repo would be nice too!)