This is an example of Azure Image Builder and Azure Shared Image Gallery being used to create a WVD Host pool. This will use the AIB service to build a Windows 10 Multi Session image with some applications in it, to effectively become our "golden image". It will then distribute the image to two Azure regions. From there you can create a WVD Host pool in those regions using this image definition.

  1. Start with DeployAIBImage.ps1 to set up AIB and then all commands to create a SIG and an Image. This does everything. It needs:

  2. to assign permissions.

  3. to do the image build which includes,

  4. The PS Script to download and install apps into the image: or variants thereof. I.E. will install Teams with Media Optimisations and its pre-requisites. Modify 3. with the path to the ps1 file that has your install procedure you want.