
Deploy JTracker Demo Server using Docker Compose

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Deploy JTracker Services using Docker Compose

Using Docker Compose is the easiest way to bring up all JTracker services. It also deploys the dependent etcd backend and NGINX as a reverse proxy.


Please follow Docker Documentation (https://docs.docker.com/) to install Docker and Docker Compose.

Clone this repository

$ git clone https://github.com/jtracker-io/jt-server-deploy.git

Fire up all JTracker Services

If you don't need to customize any settings, the following two commands will have all three JTracker services up running.

$ cd jt-server-deploy
$ docker-compose up

If you run this on local computer, Swagger UI of the services will be available at the following URLs:

Otherwise, replace localhost with the IP of the server.

Install and config JT-CLI to talk to the JTracker Services

Please follow instruction here to install JT-CLI: https://github.com/jtracker-io/jt-cli.

After installation of JT-CLI, you will need to config it so that it talks to the services you set up and run earlier.

Edit .jtconfig file under your home directory with the appropriate IP address.


Please replace with the correct IP of your server.

With that you should be able to create your own account using JT-CLI tool:

$ jt user signup -u user2
$ jt user login -u user2

You may use the pre-created user account user1 if you prefer.

Note that authentication has not been implemented yet.

Now, you should be able to complete a quick tutorial using your own JTracker server. Start from here: https://github.com/jtracker-io/jt-cli#register-a-jt-workflow-under-your-account