This application is a prototype of the Dynamic Reputation model.
1.) Install maven 3.6.0 and Java JDK 11. JDK located here or use the Maven wrapper that's a part of this repository.
brew install maven
2.) Clone down the repository from GitLab
git clone
3.) Contact John Ravan in order to get the values for the
4.) After populating the properties build the project
./mvnw clean install
5.) Run the application.
./mvnw spring-boot:run
The project is configured with Spring dev tools which allows for hot reloads without restarting the application. Simply
rebuild the project after making a change (In IntelliJ use Build -> Build Project
or CMD + F9
) and the application will
auto re-deploy.
6.) Success!
1.) Install Docker located here.
2.) Clone down the repository from GitLab
git clone
3.) Contact John Ravan in order to get the values for the
4.) From the root directory run the following command to build the project.
docker-compose build
5.) To run the worker
docker-compose up
6.) Success!