This repository contains the Matlab source code for simulating pulse propagation and supercontinuum generation in optical fiber as described by J.C. Travers, M.H. Frosz and J.M. Dudley in Chapter 3 of the book "Supercontinuum Generation in Optical Fibers" Edited by J. M. Dudley and J. R. Taylor (Cambridge 2010).
Note that this code was designed for educational and demonstrational purposes, and was very constrained for length by the publishers (hence its conciseness). However, it should also be useful for real simulations in simple cases.
The code consists of two files: gnlse.m, which defines a function to integrate the generalized nonlinear Schrodinger equation (GNLSE); and an example driver script which runs a simulation similar to Fig.3 of Dudley et. al, RMP 78 1135 (2006).
This code is (un)maintained by John C. Travers, please contact me with any suggestions via See also