Yeoman generator. For scaffolding a Marionette app with the Module pattern.
This project uses things like: less, dustjs (linkedin), requirejs and mocha.
First make sure you have Yeoman installed:
$ npm install -g yo
Then install generator-marionette-modules from npm, run:
$ npm install -g generator-marionette-modules
Make a new directory, and cd into it:
$ mkdir newProject && cd $_
Then initiate the generator, optionally passing an app name:
$ yo marionette-modules [appName]
Then start generating modules for your app like so:
$ yo marionette-modules:module [MODULENAME]
To generate action (submodules) for your app:
$ yo marionette-modules:action
NOTE: there are no args or options at this point for action
After you install a module, you also need to configure it to run.
So in your main app.js file, change the placeholder MODULENAME to whatever you named your module, in the two places listed below
To load your module change line 59:
require(['modules/MODULENAME/app'], function () {
Also on line 70, change the home page to one of your choosing:
grunt watch
grunt build
grunt test