
Bootstrap project for CS-6200 Graduate Introduction to Operating Systems.

Primary LanguageShell

GIOS Bootstrap

Bootstrap codebase to quickly get the GIOS development environment up and running.

Development Environment with GitHub Codespaces

This project is configured to work seamlessly with GitHub Codespaces using a development container. The .devcontainer/devcontainer.json file defines the environment, ensuring that all necessary tools and extensions are available.

Running in GitHub Codespaces

  1. Open the project in GitHub Codespaces.
  2. The development container will be automatically built and configured according to the Dockerfile and setup.sh.
  3. Create a lib directory and Run git clone https://github.com/nemequ/munit.git lib/munit
  4. Run make run to run the program. You should see it output Hello, World!

Project Structure

The project is organized into the following directories:

├── include/              # Header files
│   └── hello.h
├── src/                  # Source files
│   ├── main.c            # Main entry point of the program
│   └── hello.c
├── tests/                # Unit tests
│   └── test_hello.c
├── lib/                  # External libraries
│   └── munit/            # Munit testing framework (munit.h, munit.c)
├── build/                # Build output directory (e.g., executables, object files)
├── .devcontainer/        # Development container configuration
│   └─- devcontainer.json # Configuration for GitHub Codespaces
├── Dockerfile            # Dockerfile for setting up the development environment
├── setup.sh              # Script to set up the environment in the Docker container
├── Makefile              # Build instructions
└── README.md             # Project description

Getting Started

Building the Project

To compile the project, run:


This will compile the source files and generate the executable in the build/ directory.

Running the Program

To run the compiled program, use:

make run

This will execute the main program, which calls the say_hello() function to print "Hello, World!".

Running Unit Tests

To run the unit tests, use:

make test

This will compile and run the tests using the munit framework, verifying that the say_hello() function behaves as expected.

Cleaning Up

To remove all build artifacts, run:

make clean

This will delete all files in the build/ directory.